To my two youngest daughters:

This summer has been 10 weeks filled with running, playing, and discovery. You’ve gotten your share of scraped knees and bruised shins.

Maura, I can’t believe you learned how to ride a two-wheeled bike. I’m so impressed – and not because I’m your mama but just because I think you’re amazing. Your preschool teachers will be lucky to have you this fall. I will miss you but my loss will be their gain.

Amy, you’ve become such a big girl. You talk a mile a minute and I love every word. I’m so excited to get some one-on-one time with you very soon. We will snuggle and share secrets and do whatever we feel like. I’m all yours.

I’m lucky to have you both. You help me remember to not grow up too fast. I see, through you, that childhood is fleeting and to enjoy every moment.

I love you both so much!


Playtime Triptych


Playtime Dyptych


Playtime Triptych2


This is “The Way I View Playtime” as part of a monthly series through Clickin’ Moms. Please visit Laura (The Farmgirl in Maryland) to see her take on how she views Playtime.

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