by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
Dandelions are just weeds, right? I think they’re art.If you have a Pinterest account, feel free to “Pin It”! by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
Every new toy is a fresh discovery. Her small fingers touch the puzzle pieces and I watch her eyes light up with wonder. She finds a horse, a stable, and makes a stairway out of blocks. The horse needs a drink and wants to go upstairs. She helps her sister go shopping... by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
When we bought our house last year, we were fortunate to find a home that has land. 15 acres, actually. Enough land to explore, to pretend, and to discover. If you have a Pinterest account, feel free to “Pin It”! by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
Being a mom of 5 children, it’s difficult to carve out individual time for each one of them. My husband and I both try to give them each some special “mom time” or “dad time” but life often gets in the way. Work, school, sports, friends,... by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
Snow. I’m not the biggest fan of snow. Or cold either, for that matter. Why am I living in Wisconsin, you ask? What can I say? I followed the man I love. One thing snow will do, though, is make gorgeous photographs.It helps that I have a gorgeous model. If you... by GWP Social | Everyday Lifestyle
I was working on a project today, trying to capture some self-portraits using the self-timer on my camera. I knew I could only do this while my daughter Amy took a nap. I guess I kept at it for a while, because before I knew it I heard her little feet padding into the...