I don’t blog enough. All the SEO experts say that to be a successful family photographer, it’s really important to write blog posts and get your name out there. Get on the first page of Google. Get more clients. Get more likes. Get more fans.


Portage Child Photographer


Don’t get me wrong, I do want all those things. It would be amazing if I were the most sought-after photographer in my area, with a list of clients as long as my arm and if I had sessions booked out until Christmas. THAT would be incredible!   But I haven’t blogged a lot lately, because (to be completely honest) I want my business to succeed, but NOT MORE THAN I want to be a significant presence in my family.


Portage Child Photographer


I’ve been protecting my blog, because I want to only show images that are of SOMETHING GOOD – a really good client session, or a family event with really good light, or really good images that fulfilled my creative vision.


Wisconsin Family Photographer


But I’m slowly realizing that this part of my life IS SOMETHING GOOD. Yes, my blog is for clients to see the kind of work I can do. But I hope it’s also an opportunity to show who I am. First, and foremost, I am a wife and mother. I am the caretaker for my family. I am a sister and a daughter and a friend and YES I am a photographer. But at the end of the day, I don’t kiss my cameras good-night. I don’t pray with my rolls of film. I don’t stay up at night when my computer is sick.


Portage Family Photographer


I feel the pull from every direction to be more… and that “more” could mean anything. More patient, more hard-working, more relaxed, more confident… There are a hundred ways I could be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, even photographer. But I know that inside me there is SOMETHING GOOD. My family sees it. My friends see it too. God sees it and He knows it because He put it there.


So I’m going to continue to share the sessions I have with clients and friends, but I’ll also be sharing bits and pieces of my own life.

Because I know it’s good.