The yearly ritual of all things Halloween has come round once again.

Last year didn’t go so well. We had just moved to Wisconsin, we didn’t have many of our belongings (as they were in storage and we were living in a hotel), and we didn’t really know any neighborhoods or families to ask about trick-or-treating. We ended up hoofing it around a neighborhood for about an hour, then some of the kids got too cold, others started to complain of their feet hurting, and of course everyone was angry because the mean old parents wouldn’t let them eat half the candy in their pumpkin buckets.

(We’re so mean like that. After all, we need to rummage through the buckets first to pilfer all the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.)

This year, however, went really great. The weather was better, the kids were more cooperative, and we had a mapped-out plan for the trick-or-treating. Costumes didn’t require a balancing act to keep them from falling apart. Every kid was big enough to keep up with everyone else. And (*mother’s dream come true*) the kids actually remembered to say “thank you” at the door.

Well, they remembered about 75% of the time. That’s close enough for me.

As much as I dread getting the costumes put together for the kids, convincing them that NO they don’t need ANOTHER fairy wand – yes, the old one will do just fine – and that NO they cannot wear fake blood all over their face – I don’t care how cool it is – I admit that once they get into costume and get excited to say “trick or treat!” I’m pretty excited too.





Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m participating in my monthly blog circle with my fellow Clickin Moms. Please stop by Laura’s Blog and see the way She Views Halloween!

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