When I was a child, Christmas Eve meant a time when my whole extended family gathered together at my house. My parents put both leaves in the dining room table, got out the fancy crystal glasses, and set up a nice card table in the kitchen for me and the other younger guests.

I’m not saying this bothered me – in fact it didn’t, not in the least. I loved having a table all to myself with the other kids, out of earshot of our parents. We could talk about whether Santa was real or not, what the presents sounded like when we’d shaken them earlier in the day, and we’d guess what we’d find in our stockings Christmas morning.

Now that I’m an adult and I have kids of my own, Christmas traditions are ours for the making. The only extended family we invite over for Christmas are my in-laws. And my children are not relegated to a separate room for dinner. As a matter of fact, our newest Christmas tradition is swimming.

yes, swimming. Granny and Poppy come visit for Christmas and stay in a hotel that has a swimming pool. Our kids look forward to this part of Christmas with as much anticipation as they do about opening presents. And I’ll admit, it’s kinda fun to sit on a deck lounge chair, watching my kids bob up and down in the water, while snowflakes are falling and winds are howling outside the window that’s only 5 feet away from my seat.

This is the last installment in my year-long Blog Circle Project, “The Way I View..” This month’s theme was “The Way I View The Holidays”. Please visit Jo’s Blog to see her amazing images!

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